Influence 51



What moves people? To buy certain products, support certain candidates, follow certain leaders, donate to certain charities, or make certain choices? Correctly answering this question is the fundamental building block of any successful strategy, campaign, or professional venture.

At Influence 51, we help our clients better understand what moves people. We partner with a diverse range of organizations and help them leverage the most powerful insights from psychology and behavioral science to design more persuasive messaging, train more influential leaders, and optimize their communication, behavior change, and human capital strategies.



Attitudes are complex. Learn how people both form and change them to design more effective branding efforts, more impactful marketing campaigns, and more compelling communication strategies.


Learn how our corporate clients use our services to ensure their branding, marketing, and communication strategies are optimized for success.

Learn how our political clients use our services to better understand which issues are most important to voters and how they should be speaking about them.

Learn how our charity and non-profit clients use our services to tailor their messaging so they can maximize the chances of attracting supporters and securing donations.


Sway decisions

If you understand how people choose, you can better predict what they will choose. Learn about the factors that influence choice to more effectively impact consumer, legal, and organizational decision-making.


Learn how our restaurant clients use our services to influence customer choice by optimizing both their pricing strategies and menu layouts.

Learn how our leadership clients use our services to become more powerful motivators and more persuasive communicators.

Learn how our legal clients use our services to equip their teams with sophisticated, psychologically-informed courtroom strategies.


shift behavior

Behavior change is coveted but complex. Discover how to influence your employees and fellow citizens to adopt healthier lifestyles, participate in civic activities, and develop more sustainable habits.

Learn how our government and municipal clients use our services to encourage greener habits such as reduction in energy usage and participation in recycling programs.

Learn how our healthcare and medical clients use our services to help patients and community members adopt healthier lifestyles.

Learn how our community clients use our services to maximize the number of citizens who participate in voting and elections.

Learn how our government clients use our services to encourage greener habits such as energy reduction and recycling.